Automating content creation with AI will make you 3x more productive!
You still have to do editing work, but when you set it up correctly then you save a ton of time. Make sure you take a look at our ChatGPT email automation flow to save even more time.
“Correctly” mostly means that you prompt AI to write as closely to what you actually want to see.
I have created an automation that takes existing products and turns them into an article.
On the image you can see that I start with connecting to Google Sheets. That’s where the data is. But you can connect to WordPress or some other content management system and get data directly from there.
Then I have some settings for keywords and prompts about the style you want AI to use when writing. For example, right now you could ask AI to write a Christmas themed product overview.
First, there’s an intro section that gives an overview of the product category. Followed by the short list of the products we will cover in the post. Then there’s the first CTA section, after which we go to the styles and variations of the products.
Now comes the grey part on the image. This cycles through the products and creates review type of content for each product on your list. (In the settings I have a variable, how many products I want to see in the article)
In the following steps, connects to our product and article sitemaps to get internal links for the article. In the next couple of bubbles ChatGPT writes a section about this product category in general adding links to **REALLY** related products and other articles.
Then we need image for the cover of the article. We ask ChatGPT to find the best image from our selected pages. We get the image and then write the title of the article on the image and add our logo to it.
Editing an image was the tricky part. has some paid options but I am too cheap to consider those. So, I asked ChatGPT to write me an API. It uses our own server’s existing resources (Imagemagik), sends the original plain image to the API and gets the edited + cropped image back. (We used to do that with Photoshop, and it took ages). We upload the file to WordPress.
The final step is to publish the article. In all the previous steps I ask AI to generate markdown notation for its output. Just before publishing the post, we assemble all the bits inside the markdown element and then push everything to WordPress.
The REAL marketers set the final step to “Published,” others opt for “Draft” 😀
Contact me if you want to work less and automate your business processes with AI.
Here you can check out how to connect ChatGPT API to Google Sheets [GPT-4o].